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foundations of mathematics中文是什么意思

用"foundations of mathematics"造句"foundations of mathematics"怎么读"foundations of mathematics" in a sentence


  • 数学基础
  • 维特根斯坦关于数学基本原理


  • It also gave rise to problems in the foundations of mathematics with which the twentieth century is still struggling .
  • The reform of two foundation of mathematics has its theory grounds . it is education psychology which provide the reasonableness and the teaching operability from the classing , getting and transferring of the knowledge
  • In the reliability model , based on many papers , we use a subsection function to unite the probability model and reliability model in some degree , explain that if you want to obtain the solid foundation of mathematics , you will lose the point of model which is simple and easy to operate
用"foundations of mathematics"造句  


Foundations of mathematics is the study of the basic mathematical concepts (number, geometrical figure, set, function...) and how they form hierarchies of more complex structures and concepts, especially the fundamentally important structures that form the language of mathematics (formulas, theories and their models giving a meaning to formulas, definitions, proofs, algorithms...
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